Influencing and Network-Building

1 day in classroom or
4h online
8-16 participants
Delivery methods
classroom and/or online

Being a player in the making and executing of policy is not possible without a relevant, well-functioning and effective network.

Our trainers will provide their vast practical know-how and share their experience how to build and maintain your network and how to make it perform in a way that best serves your objectives.


Being a player in the making and executing of policy is not possible without a relevant, well-functioning and effective network. In the world where LinkedIn and Xing provide us with algorithm-powered support, real-life contacts should not be underestimated.


The course is available in the form of a module (or makes part of, for instance, Chairing Meetings) or as more substantial exercise on how to build and maintain an effective and impact-oriented network. It involves practical tools such stakeholder mapping and advice how to make the best use of formal and informal meetings.

What does it involve?

The main part of this course consists of exercises in groups. The participants should expect a lot of practice and little theory. They receive individual feedback that together with the peer-reviewing learning effect, will make them better networkers.

Learning outcome

Participants become better in networking and will be able to enjoy the benefits provided by a more professional, result and impact-oriented approach.

Face-to-face or online?

This course can be delivered in an online format, but we recommend the in-person version that is more interactive and offers better learning opportunities.

Estimated learning time

Live sessions: 1 day
Online: 4h 


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