Andy Lebrecht CB
Course Director, CPDS UKAndy spent a career of 35 years as a civil servant and diplomat in the British Government. Fulfilling a range of different roles, he developed wide experience of leadership within Government and a special focus on European Union policy and negotiation.
From 2008-2012 Andy was the UK’s Deputy Permanent Representative (and Ambassador) to the EU, leading a team of desk officers and counsellors and representing the UK in the Committee of Permanent Representatives and in the Council of Ministers. Andy has negotiated policy and legislation on, inter alia, the Single Market, environment, energy, employment and fisheries.
Previously he served as Director-General for Food and Farming in the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, leading a team of 1400. He spent many years leading UK efforts to reform the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (culminating in the transformational reform of 2003) and promoting UK objectives in associated WTO negotiations on agriculture.
In earlier spells in Brussels he was responsible for negotiating fisheries policy and food law harmonisation for the UK, and subsequently acted as UK representative on the EU’s Special Committee for Agriculture.
In 1989-91 he served as Principal Private Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture and during 1993-4 led a comprehensive management review of the Ministry’s veterinary and animal health policy functions. During the 2001 Foot and Mouth disease crisis in the UK, he led the military and veterinary efforts in Devon, one of the most affected regions.
After retiring from Government service, Andy joined the Senior European Experts Group and has been involved in a range of teaching, training and writing activities relating to European and negotiation issues.
Andy enjoys walking in the countryside, exploring new places, reading European history and sampling good single malt whisky.